About the Illustrator

I am an illustrator in Minneapolis, MN. My formal training is in science, and I am still a nerd--a nerd who draws. Besides drawing, I love dancing, bike riding, cooking overly complicated meals, anything Japanese, hanging out with my family, and the magic of making things by hand, and chickens (See if you can find my hidden chicken page!).

I am available to illustrate your project by commission. I also license images.

Click this link to hire me on Upwork

Client List

How-To and Curricular Materials


4 Facts About Me


I'm the eldest of 5 sisters, who are scattered around the world. From eldest to youngest, we live in: Minnesota,  Japan, Germany,  Colorado and North Carolina.


I am an avid mushroom hunter. In the the Summer and Fall, you can find me in the woods most weekends, covered in burs, with a basket of colorful mushrooms on my arm. Although, a big maitake only fits in the extra-large basket I carry on my back!


I am an obligate bicyclist. Bicycling is good for your health, good for the environment, and good for communities. When my kid got too big to easily carry around, I bought a bigger bike instead of a car. 


I hope to someday buy and restore a house in the tiny Japanese village where my sister lives, and run an artists' retreat there. We can help harvest rice and learn to make traditional foods and  crafts in between creating artworks inspired by the gorgeous mountain scenery.



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