You have Found the Chicken Page!

It's like an Easter Egg...

...except just a regular old chicken egg.

If you made it here, you must have clicked on everything.

You probably already noticed my chicken obsession.

You probably know about the book I illustrated with a rooster as the main character.

You also probably know I make custom felt chickens.

You probably noticed I never seem to tire of drawing chickens.

You may have even noticed the chick on my Toy Design page.

You've probably already guessed what my Rorschach test looks like

There's even a non-zero chance you've purchased a hand-painted, one-of-a-kind chicken sticker from me. You know, if you've visited  my studio during the LOLA art crawl or have been to Wet Paint.

But did you know I send you a coloring sheet of chickens when you sign up for my mailing list?

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It's also possible you were just looking for my About Me page. You probably just learned too much about me, but if you want more information, click on the picture above. 

Strangely, it does not feature any chickens.

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